Project Coordinator

Firm: Chinatown CDC
Office in Tenderloin Neighborhood, San Francisco. Also provides services in the Mission and South of Market Neighborhood

Payment: Paid
Category: Community Development
Contact: HR
Posted: Dec 5, 2013

The SRO Families United Collaborative (“Collaborative”) is seeking to hire a Community Organizing Project Coordinator who is bilingual and biliterate in Spanish and English to coordinate Collaborative advocacy and organizing efforts for low-income families living in SROs (single room occupancies). The SRO Families United is a multiracial, multilingual collaboration of 5 community-based organizations (based in Chinatown, the Mission, the Tenderloin, and South of Market) that share the common goals of organizing and empowering families living in Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels to defend their rights, improve conditions in their buildings, access services, and seek decent housing.

The Project Coordinator will work closely with staff and peer organizers from the Coalition on Homelessness (where the Coordinator’s office will be located), SOMCAN(South of Market Community Action Network), Dolores Street Community Services, Chinese Progressive Association and Chinatown Community Development Center.

General Job Responsibilities

Advocacy & Community Organizing

Coordinate the collaborative-wide community organizing and campaign work of the five organizations participating in the SRO Families United Collaborative

Assist Collaborative members and families in developing campaign strategies and execution towards common social change goals and permanent solutions to poverty and inadequate housing

Participate in and engage SRO families in advocacy campaigns important to SRO families and the Collaborative

Advocate and ensure that the Collaborative, SRO families and their needs are represented at relevant City and community forums and meetings

Assist with media work to highlight plight of impoverished SRO families

Program Planning, Training, and Coordination

Coordinate and facilitate communication among Collaborative organizations, particularly among the three collaborative organizations in Tenderloin, South of Market, and Mission Neighborhoods

Develop and coordinate Collaborative-wide families leadership training

Assist in development and facilitation of Collaborative-wide workplan and yearly retreat planning

Develop, expand, collect & distribute relevant information, resources, and materials to collaborative agencies, including providing timely translation services to collaborative agencies as needed
Maintain documentation of Collaborative Organizing activities, such as leadership trainings, outreach flyers, etc.

Preferred Qualifications:

Experience working with collaboratives or multi-agency coalitions

Experience or familiarity with organizing low income neighborhoods in San Francisco

Please send cover letter/résumé to: Chinatown CDC, Attention: PC
Email: | Fax: 415.362.7992 | Mail: 1525 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94133